History of natural numbers
Natural numbers have the origin of the words used to count objects, starting from number one.
The first major advancement in the use of abstraction is the number system to represent numbers. It enables the recording of large numbers. For example, the Babylonians developed a system based on position number 1 and 10. The ancient Egyptians had a number system with distinct hieroglyphs for 1, 10, and all the powers of 10 up to a million. A
rock the size of Karnak, dated to about 1500 BC and now in the Louvre,
Paris, represents 276 as 2 hundreds, 7 tens and 6 units; same thing is
done for the 4622 figures.
Another major advancement is the development of the idea of zero as a number with the symbol itself. Zero
has been used in the notation as early as 700 BC by the position of the
people of Babylon, but they release when the symbol of the last number.
[1] to the modern concept of zero came from the Indian mathematician,
In the 19th century developed the definition of natural numbers using set theory. By
this definition, perceived more easily enter zero (corresponding to the
empty set) as the natural numbers, and is now a convention in the field
of set theory, logic and computer science. [2] Other mathematicians,
such as in the field of number theory, and the last in a long tradition keeps the first one as the original numbers. [3]Writing
Mathematicians use N or \ mathbb {N} to write the set of all natural numbers. The set can be said bilanan unlimited.
To avoid confusion if zero belongs to the set of numbers or not, often in writing added to the index (superscrip). Index "0" is used to enter the number 0 into the set, and the index "*" or "1" is added to exclude the 0 into the set.
\ Mathbb {N} ^ 0 = \ mathbb {N} _0 = \ {0, 1, 2, \ ldots \}
\ Mathbb {N} ^ * = \ mathbb {N} ^ + = \ mathbb {N} _1 = \ mathbb {N} _ {> 0} = \ {1, 2, \ ldots \}.
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